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Welcome to the SyncHive Connector Developer Documentation

What is SyncHive?

SyncHive is a powerful unified data platform designed to streamline and synchronise data across diverse external systems. Its innovative hub and spoke architecture provides a scalable and agile solution for data synchronisation, ensuring seamless communication between disparate systems.

How does SyncHive work?

At the core of SyncHive's functionality is its hub and spoke architecture, with Connectors serving as a communication bridge between SyncHive and external systems. These Connectors are developed internally and by third-party Connector Builders and can be built in any programming language of choice. SyncHive embraces flexibility, enabling Connector development in languages that best suit your preferences and expertise.

Connectors utilise HTTP endpoints to transmit data through JSON data payloads, known as "Messages." This standardised communication method ensures compatibility and ease of integration across different systems, making SyncHive a versatile and developer-friendly platform.

How do I get started?

To get started with SyncHive, begin by reading our developer documentation for a range of guides, tutorials, and references. Our documentation is designed for both new and experienced developers to help create Connectors and integrate them with SyncHive.