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Billing Document


A billing document is a formal record or statement that outlines the details of a financial transaction between a seller and a buyer. It serves as a proof of the products or services provided, the quantities, the agreed-upon prices, any applicable taxes, and the total amount due for payment.

Common types of billing documents include:

  1. Invoice: This is one of the most common types of billing documents. An invoice is a request for payment sent by a seller to a buyer, detailing the products or services provided, their quantities, unit prices, total charges, and any applicable taxes or discounts.
  2. Credit Note: A credit note is a document issued by a seller to a buyer to indicate a reduction in the amount owed. This could be due to various reasons, such as returned goods, errors in invoicing, or adjustments in pricing.
  3. Debit Note: Similar to a credit note, a debit note is issued by a seller to a buyer to indicate an increase in the amount owed. This could be due to additional charges, corrections in pricing, or other adjustments.



  1. A billing document has zero-to-many BillingDocumentItems
  2. A billing document has zero-to-many BusinessPartners
  1. A billing document has exactly one reference to a CustomerAccount
  2. A billing document has zero-or-one references to a SalesOrder

Data Definitions


Data TypeField NameRulesAbout
DateTimebillingDocumentDateExactly 1The date of the billing document
BillingDocumentLifeCyclebillingDocumentLifeCycleZero or OneThe life cycle state of the document.
StringbillingDocumentTypeExactly 1The type of the billing document.
BusinessPartnerbusinessPartnerOne to ManyA list of all other potential business partners involved in the billing document
CustomerAccountcustomerAccountExactly 1Document reference to the customer account document for which the billing document is for.
MonetarygrossAmountZero or OneTotal amount of a billing document, before any adjustments.
MonetarynetAmountZero or OneThe amount of a billing document after any discounts, returns, or allowances have been applied.
MonetarytaxAmountZero or OneMonetary amount of tax applied to the billing document
TaxTypetaxTypeZero or OneDocument Reference to the TaxType document describing the tax applied to the billing document.
StringtransactionNumberZero or OneBusiness defined canonical user facing billing document number.
BillingDocumentItemtxDocItemZero to ManyA collection of all the items included in the billing document.

Note omitted fields: attributeField, extendedBy, externalIdentity, recordedBy, sourceSystemCode, sourceSystemId, uniqueText


Data TypeField NameRulesAbout
ProductcatalogItemExactly 1The product the billing document item is for
MonetarycostAmountZero or OneThe monetary amount of cost to the seller of the billing document.
MonetarygrossAmountZero or OneThe monetary amount of the item before adjustments.
StringitemIdentifierZero or OneThe customer-facing identifier for this item.
StringlineNumberZero or OneThe line number of this item
MonetarynetAmountExactly 1The monetary amount of the item after adjustments.
PriceElementpriceElementZero to ManyThe monetary pricing elements for this item. See Price Element.
MagnitudequantityExactly 1The quantity of catalog items for this item.
StringsalesItemCategoryDescriptionZero or OneA descriptive text about the sales item category.
MonetarytaxAmountZero or OneThe monetary amount of tax for this item.
DecimaltaxRateZero or OneThe tax rate for this item.
TaxTypetaxTypeZero or OneThe tax type for this item.

Note omitted fields: attributeField, extendedBy, externalIdentity, recordedBy, sourceSystemCode, sourceSystemId, uniqueText

Sample JSON

"@type": "BillingDocument",
"transactionNumber": "90038690",
"grossAmount": {
"@type": "Monetary",
"decimalValue": "1548.08",
"currency": {
"@type": "DataReference",
"schemaName": "limber",
"shapeName": "CurrencyUnit",
"iri": "",
"keys": [
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"uniqueText": "daaad965-5ea9-4fdc-9049-f45d1ff5605c"
"netAmount": {
"@type": "Monetary",
"decimalValue": "1346.16",
"currency": {
"@type": "DataReference",
"schemaName": "limber",
"shapeName": "CurrencyUnit",
"iri": "",
"keys": [
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"uniqueText": "b7bd6600-eda4-4f23-9921-b0d55070ece1"
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"decimalValue": "201.92",
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"iri": "",
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"uniqueText": "2716e5f2-9841-4140-9b48-5af035de53db"
"billingDocumentDate": "2022-05-03T00:00:00Z",
"billingDocumentType": "F2",
"customerAccount": {
"@type": "DataReference",
"schemaName": "limber",
"shapeName": "CustomerAccount",
"iri": "",
"keys": [
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"uniqueText": "4d4429c0-b137-4db3-b114-d9d7133d9727"
"label": "SapS4-1000647::6900::10::03"
"billingDocumentLifeCycle": {
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"schemaName": "limber",
"shapeName": "BillingDocumentLifeCycle",
"iri": "",
"keys": [
"code": "Completed"
"label": "Completed"
"businessPartner": [
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"businessPartnerRole": [
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"schemaName": "limber",
"shapeName": "BusinessPartnerRole",
"iri": "",
"keys": [
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"label": "Buyer"
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"schemaName": "limber",
"shapeName": "BusinessPartnerRole",
"iri": "",
"keys": [
"code": "Payer"
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"businessPartnerRole": [
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"keys": [
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"code": "6900",
"businessPartnerRole": [
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"keys": [
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"decimalValue": "673.08",
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