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GL Journal


A single journal entry for a general ledger.


GL Journal

The header for a GL journal entry.

Data TypeField NameRulesAbout
DateTimeaccountingDateZero or OneThe date assigned to a transaction for the purpose of financial reporting.
StringdescriptionZero or OneThe description for the journal.
StringfiscalPeriodZero to OneThe time frame during which the entire journal entry is recognized.
GLJournalItemjournalItemsZero to ManyThe journal entry items.
StringjournalNumberZero or OneThe journal number.
StringjournalTypeZero or OneThe type of journal.
DateTimetransactionDateZero or OneThe actual date when the financial transaction occurred.

GL Journal Item

An item for a GL journal entry.

Data TypeField NameRulesAbout
MonetaryamountInCompanyCodeCurrencyZero or OneThe monetary amount in the company code's currency.
MonetaryamountInGlobalCurrencyZero or OneThe monetary amount in the global currency.
MonetaryamountInTransactionCurrencyZero or OneThe monetary amount in the transaction's currency.
StringassignmentReferenceZero or OneA piece of information used to link or relate specific transactions or entries.
CompanycompanyZero or OneThe Company.
StringcompanyCodeZero or OneThe canonical company code.
StringcostCenterCodeZero or OneThe canonical cost center code.
StringdescriptionZero or OneThe description for journal entry item.
GLAccountglAccountZero or OneThe GL Account.
DocumentReferencedocumentReferenceZero to ManyThe document references for this GL Journal Item.
StringglAccountCodeZero or OneThe canonical code for the GL Account.
GLDimensionglDimensionZero or OneThe GL Dimensions.
StringledgerCodeZero or OneThe canonical code for the ledger.
StringlineNumberZero or OneThe line number of the item.
StringprofitCenterCodeZero or OneThe canonical code for the profit center.
StringsourceLedgerCodeZero or OneThe canonical code for the source ledger.

Document Reference

A reference to a document line item.

Data TypeField NameRulesAbout
StringdocumentItemZero or OneThe item number for the document reference.
StringdocumentNumberZero or OneThe document number of the reference.
StringdocumentReferenceTypeZero or OneThe type of this document reference.

Sample JSON

"@type": "GLJournal",
"uniqueText": "7a1d18d4-e152-4601-9ace-82667d9d3f0f",
"accountingDate": "2020-02-13T23:00:20.083Z",
"description": "G/L Account ",
"journalNumber": "1200607781",
"journalType": "ZB",
"transactionDate": "2020-02-13T23:00:20.083Z",
"fiscalPeriod": "001",
"journalItems": [
"@type": "GLJournalItem",
"uniqueText": "af2c348b-c844-4e9c-9b5e-74527beceede",
"amountInCompanyCodeCurrency": {
"@type": "Monetary",
"decimalValue": "10.0",
"currency": ""
"amountInGlobalCurrency": {
"@type": "Monetary",
"decimalValue": "10.0",
"currency": ""
"amountInTransactionCurrency": {
"@type": "Monetary",
"decimalValue": "10.0",
"currency": ""
"lineNumber": "1",
"profitCenterCode": "1001",
"costCenterCode": null,
"glAccount": "",
"glAccountCode": "44420000",
"glDimension": [
"company": "",
"companyCode": "6900",
"ledgerCode": "2L",
"sourceLedgerCode": "2L",
"assignmentReference": "20200130",
"description": "Route C",
"documentReference": [
"@type": "DocumentReference",
"documentReferenceType": "SalesOrder",
"documentNumber": "100001",
"documentItem": "10"
"@type": "DocumentReference",
"documentReferenceType": "PurchaseOrder",
"documentNumber": "10003",
"documentItem": "10"