GL Journal
A single journal entry for a general ledger.
GL Journal
The header for a GL journal entry.
Data Type | Field Name | Rules | About |
DateTime | accountingDate | Zero or One | The date assigned to a transaction for the purpose of financial reporting. |
String | description | Zero or One | The description for the journal. |
String | fiscalPeriod | Zero to One | The time frame during which the entire journal entry is recognized. |
GLJournalItem | journalItems | Zero to Many | The journal entry items. |
String | journalNumber | Zero or One | The journal number. |
String | journalType | Zero or One | The type of journal. |
DateTime | transactionDate | Zero or One | The actual date when the financial transaction occurred. |
GL Journal Item
An item for a GL journal entry.
Data Type | Field Name | Rules | About |
Monetary | amountInCompanyCodeCurrency | Zero or One | The monetary amount in the company code's currency. |
Monetary | amountInGlobalCurrency | Zero or One | The monetary amount in the global currency. |
Monetary | amountInTransactionCurrency | Zero or One | The monetary amount in the transaction's currency. |
String | assignmentReference | Zero or One | A piece of information used to link or relate specific transactions or entries. |
Company | company | Zero or One | The Company. |
String | companyCode | Zero or One | The canonical company code. |
String | costCenterCode | Zero or One | The canonical cost center code. |
String | description | Zero or One | The description for journal entry item. |
GLAccount | glAccount | Zero or One | The GL Account. |
DocumentReference | documentReference | Zero to Many | The document references for this GL Journal Item. |
String | glAccountCode | Zero or One | The canonical code for the GL Account. |
GLDimension | glDimension | Zero or One | The GL Dimensions. |
String | ledgerCode | Zero or One | The canonical code for the ledger. |
String | lineNumber | Zero or One | The line number of the item. |
String | profitCenterCode | Zero or One | The canonical code for the profit center. |
String | sourceLedgerCode | Zero or One | The canonical code for the source ledger. |
Document Reference
A reference to a document line item.
Data Type | Field Name | Rules | About |
String | documentItem | Zero or One | The item number for the document reference. |
String | documentNumber | Zero or One | The document number of the reference. |
String | documentReferenceType | Zero or One | The type of this document reference. |
Sample JSON
"@type": "GLJournal",
"uniqueText": "7a1d18d4-e152-4601-9ace-82667d9d3f0f",
"accountingDate": "2020-02-13T23:00:20.083Z",
"description": "G/L Account ",
"journalNumber": "1200607781",
"journalType": "ZB",
"transactionDate": "2020-02-13T23:00:20.083Z",
"fiscalPeriod": "001",
"journalItems": [
"@type": "GLJournalItem",
"uniqueText": "af2c348b-c844-4e9c-9b5e-74527beceede",
"amountInCompanyCodeCurrency": {
"@type": "Monetary",
"decimalValue": "10.0",
"currency": ""
"amountInGlobalCurrency": {
"@type": "Monetary",
"decimalValue": "10.0",
"currency": ""
"amountInTransactionCurrency": {
"@type": "Monetary",
"decimalValue": "10.0",
"currency": ""
"lineNumber": "1",
"profitCenterCode": "1001",
"costCenterCode": null,
"glAccount": "",
"glAccountCode": "44420000",
"glDimension": [
"company": "",
"companyCode": "6900",
"ledgerCode": "2L",
"sourceLedgerCode": "2L",
"assignmentReference": "20200130",
"description": "Route C",
"documentReference": [
"@type": "DocumentReference",
"documentReferenceType": "SalesOrder",
"documentNumber": "100001",
"documentItem": "10"
"@type": "DocumentReference",
"documentReferenceType": "PurchaseOrder",
"documentNumber": "10003",
"documentItem": "10"