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Transfer Order


A record representing the movement of stock from one plant, warehouse, or location to another within the organization.



Data TypeField NameRulesAbout
DateTimeorderDateZero or OneThe date on which the transfer order was officially created or issued.
StringsupplyingPlantCodeZero or OneThe identifier of the plant or location responsible for supplying the stock being transferred in the transfer order.
StringtransactionNumberZero to ManyA business value for helping identify a transaction number. Note not a unique identifier in SyncHive.
TransferOrderItemtxDocumentZero to ManySee TransferOrderItem

Note omitted fields: attributeField, businessPartner, extendedBy, externalIdentity, grossAmount, netAmount, recordedBy, sourceSystemCode, sourceSystemId, taxAmount, uniqueText


Represents an individual line item in a TransferOrder, specifying the material or product being transferred, along with its quantity and relevant logistics details.

Data TypeField NameRulesAbout
ProductcatalogItemZero or OneThe identifier of the product or material being transferred in a TransferOrderItem.
MagnitudequantityZero or OneThe total quantity of a specific item being transferred in a TransferOrderItem.
StringreceivingPlantCodeZero or OneThe identifier of the plant or location that is receiving the stock being transferred. This is the destination for the inventory movement in the transfer order item.
TransferOrderScheduleLineItemscheduleLineItemZero to ManyA collection of schedule line items associated with a specific TransferOrderLine. Each schedule line represents a planned or actual stock movement for the transfer order, allowing partial deliveries or staged stock transfers.

Note omitted fields: attributeField, businessPartner, extendedBy, externalIdentity, grossAmount, netAmount, recordedBy, sourceSystemCode, sourceSystemId, taxAmount, taxRate, taxType, uniqueText


Represents a scheduled delivery or fulfillment plan for a specific TransferOrderLine. Each schedule line item details when and how much of a particular item will be transferred, allowing partial deliveries or staged stock movements.

Data TypeField NameAbout
DateTimeconfirmedDeliveryDateDate confirmed for delivery (e.g. based on stock availability).
DecimalconfirmedQuantityQuantity that has been confirmed for delivery (e.g. based on stock availability).
StringlineNumberSequential number to differentiate multiple schedule lines within the same schedule line.
DecimalquantityDeliveredTotal quantity of the item that has been delivered.
DateTimerequestedDeliveryDateDate initially requested for delivery of the schedule line quantity. This is typically based on expectations rather than system availability.

Note omitted fields: attributeField, extendedBy, externalIdentity, recordedBy, sourceSystemCode, sourceSystemId, uniqueText.

Sample JSON

"@type": "TransferOrder",
"transactionNumber": "22149384",
"supplyingPlantCode": "1010",
"txDocItem": [
"@type": "TransferOrderItem",
"lineNumber": "1",
"receivingPlantCode": "2010",
"catalogItem": "",
"quantity": {
"@type": "Magnitude",
"decimalValue": "6.000",
"uom": ""
"scheduleLineItem": [
"@type": "TransferOrderScheduleLineItem",
"requestedDeliveryDate": "2022-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"quantityDelivered": "6.000",
"confirmedQuantity": "6.000",
"confirmedDeliveryDate": "2022-06-22T00:00:00Z"