Recorded By Users
A RecordByUser is used to record which user created a document, and when, and which user last modified a document, and when.
Data Definitions
Data Type | Field Name | Rules | About |
String | createdByUserCode | Zero or One | the user who created the document |
DateTime | createdOn | Zero or One | the date the document was created on |
String | externalSystemCode | Exactly One | Refer to: Source System |
String | modifiedByUserCode | Zero or One | the user who last modified the document |
DateTime | modifiedOn | Zero or One | the date the document was last modified on |
String | uniqueText | Exactly One | Refer to: Identifiable Item |
Sample JSON
An example product initial created at 2022-10-14T05:32:25Z and then modified at 2022-10-14T05:32: 25.467Z:
"@type": "BillingDocument",
"externalIdentity": [
"@type": "ExternalID",
"internalType": "BillingDocument",
"externalSystemCode": "SapS4",
"externalId": "90058099"
"recordedBy": [
"@type": "RecordedByUser",
"externalSystemCode": "SapS4",
"createdByUserCode": "CB9980000233",
"createdOn": "2022-10-14T05:32:25Z",
"modifiedOn": "2022-10-14T05:32:25.467Z",
"uniqueText": "91a49d93-4252-4c54-81b1-887cefba46dc"