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Product Inventory


A physical or logical subdivision of a plant where materials or goods are stored. It's used to manage and track inventory levels.


Data Definitions

Data TypeField NameRulesAbout
ProductcatalogItemExactly OneThe product this inventory is for.
StringplantCodeZero or OneThe canonical plant code for the plant.
MagnitudequantityAvailableExactly OneThe amount of materials or goods available.
StorageLocationstorageLocationExactly OneThe storage location for the inventory.

Note omitted fields: attributeField, extendedBy, externalIdentity, recordedBy, sourceSystemCode, sourceSystemId, uniqueText

Sample JSON

"@type": "ProductInventory",
"catalogItem": "",
"plantCode": "6910",
"quantityAvailable": {
"@type": "Magnitude",
"decimalValue": "0",
"uom": "",
"uniqueText": "b66d498c-1f13-4f7c-b575-28379df32fe5"
"storageLocation": "",
"uniqueText": "00a119c1-d10f-4af7-ae0f-bbbea47491ad"