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Data Envelopes

schemaName* string
example: SAP
Schema of the data

schemaVersion* string
example: 1.0
Version of the schema

shapeName* string
example: Customer
Shape of the data

dataId* DataReference

any_key : any_string_value

label string
Value of the root class label

dataName string
example: Mr Smith
Name of the data

dataAction* string
example: JSON
default: PUBLISH
Data action

mode* string
example: LIVE
default: LIVE
Mode of operation, one of SANDBOX or LIVE

integrationKey* string
example: SAPS4HANA
Identify integration that produced the data

integrationVersion string
example: 1.0.0
Identify version of integration configuration that produced the data

integrationBuildNumber integer($int32)
example: 245
Identify build number of integration configuration that produced the data

correlationId string
example: 123456
Correlation id for related message tracing

receivedAt string($date-time)
example: 2019-01-31T12:30:00+13:00
Date and time the data was received, provided by the data manager on receipt

sentAt string($date-time)
example: 2019-01-31T12:30:00+13:00
Date and time the data was sent, by the source system for inbound data, or by SyncHive for outbound data

customerId string
example: 1436910FF95B3FD242E332BA0DEC5FCD
Customer ID

data JsonNode
The data, as a Json structure.
Null when action is delete, mandatory otherwise

sequenceStream string
The data create/update/delete request sequence stream id.

sequenceNumber integer($int64)
The data create/update/delete request sequence number.

dataSize integer($int64)
Approximate size of the data, if available

storeKey string
Store key where the document is saved to, deleted from, or retrieved from